Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Coming Out of the Darkness

Isaiah 9:2

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

Coming Out of the Darkness

You know that feeling?  The one when you walk out of a dark room into sunlight.  As your eyes adjust to the new light source, you're temporarily blinded and sometimes, if the difference is REALLY great, it almost hurts a little to be in the sunlight.  That's an odd sensation, when daylight hurts.  But it's only temporary and if its a beautiful fall or spring day where the sky is clear and the air is fresh, it is so much better to be out in the sunshine than anywhere else.

You know that feeling?

That's what revelation feels like.  You don't even realize how dark it was where you were until you walk into the sunlight.  It's temporarily disarming and disorienting for just a few seconds and then things are immensely better.  So much so, that its hard to go back into the darkness.  That's where the comparison ends.  Because when revelation comes from God, we're not supposed to go back into the darkness but stay in His marvelous, wonderful light.

Far too often we receive a word, a call, a path to salvation is revealed.   In our hearts we know what we've been shown is absolutely right, but we back away, afraid of that moment of disorientation, the slight pain associated with change, the release of control and go right back into the darkness under burdens we were never designed to bear.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Change can be scary.  But change toward God is never bad.  It's just change.  And to make the change easier, He sent His Son so we could know what life in Him looks like, feels like.

Come out of the darkness.  Come out of disobedience.  Come out of denial.  Come out of the lies.  Come out of the burden.  Come into the light; His light.

It's marvelous.

1 Peter 2:9

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

It's hard to stay in the darkness when you've been chosen for the light.  Peace.

Lifeline is produced from the Evangelistic Ministry of Fellowship Church in Jonesboro, GA. You are encouraged to share this message. The Fellowship Church website (www.fcchosengeneration.com) includes a link to the Lifeline Blog (www.lifelineatfellowship.blogspot.com) where you can find previous messages. 

Evangelist Robinson also posts her entries on Facebook and Twitter. To subscribe to the mailing, or for questions and comments, tweet (@evangeliststeff) or send email to fellowship_lifeline@yahoo.com. Fellowship Church can be reached at chosen.gen@att.net.

Fellowship Church
Where Passions Become Reality
Because You Are a Chosen Generation

455 Hwy 138 W. Suite C
Jonesboro, GA 30238
Between GA Hwy 85 and US 19/41
Across from EJ Swint Elementary School

Church Website - www.fcchosengeneration.com

770-573-9339 Phone
770-574-4967 Fax

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