Thursday, July 29, 2010

Authority vs Opinion

Mark 1:21-22
And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught.

And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

Authority vs Opinion

This passage, and it's reference in Matthew used to baffle me. They give account where Jesus spoke with authority and how that astonished the disciples. I used to think alot about that...He spoke with authority. Did He speak loudly and confidently? Anyone can do that. Did He speak as someone who knew the material? Well, duh! Jesus was and is The Word, so of course He knew the material. But, well-studied scribes also knew the material.

Then the Holy Spirit gave me a wonderful example. My son was doing what alot of boys and girls his age do...he was TELLING me how something he'd never seen or never experienced was going to happen. He spoke with great confidence. I had to explain to him that all he had was an opinion but I had experience with the matter and that made the difference.

And there it was.

Jesus had a relationship with the Father, so that when He spoke about Him, God wasn't an idea, He was real. The scribes and pharisees could give their opinion, but they hadn't had any personal experience with God so they couldn't speak as one who knew the Father.
Jesus spoke with authority not only from His knowledge of the Word, but from having lived it since the beginning of time. He had experience with the Father. He could say with confidence how we could live in relationship with God the Father because He had experienced being us. He knows our trials and temptations not because He's heard from us, though He certainly does that, but because He has personal experience.

Maybe you're not convinced of this whole Jesus thing. Maybe this is just a lot of hoopla to you. Maybe you believe in Christ, but that working thing is just too over the top. Maybe you believe and you work, but you aren't willing to change your lifestyle because 'it doesn't take all that.'
Well, those are interesting opinions. Jesus has some experience there, however. Your salvation took all that He had in a mortal body. It took every drop of blood contained in His skin. It took a full human lifetime and an eternity of service to work out. That was His experience, not His opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion. But I dare you to gain the experience of relationship and then challenge your opinion.

Besides, why just give and opinion when you can speak as one who with with authority.

Psalm 111:10

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

Peace and wisdom
Evg. Stephanie Robinson

Lifeline is the evangelistic ministry of Fellowship Church in Jonesboro, GA.

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Fellowship Church
Where Passions Become Reality
Because you are a CHOSEN GENERATION!
455 Hwy 138, Ste C
Jonesboro, GA 30238
Alton Watkins, Pastor